News from and for the world
The USA has elected its president
The better has won
Donald Trump wins the 2024 elections in the USA
The American people seem to be intelligent. Despite numerous media-effective campaigns against Donald Trump, Trump, who has been pelted with dirt, wins the elections. Hardly anyone would have expected that.
If the German people were just as intelligent, the AfD would have to win by a landslide in the coming federal election. Unfortunately, the AfD is also covered with smear campaigns in the run-up to elections, misrepresentations of the actors. The AfD members are criminalized and denigrated as extremists, while they are just normal, friendly right-wing conservative people.
Our new great US President Trump irritates a little with his sayings about an annexation of Greenland.
Why isn’t he interested in Antarctica?
Country that is just as interesting for someone who likes ice and snow. Of course, he could also claim a country in Europe for the USA. Perhaps Great Britain, from which the USA once broke away to celebrate its independence? Or Germany and the EU to enforce the right of unpunished „free speech“ and the values of real democracy in Germany and the EU?
The USA has voted and since January 20, 2025 a new US government – everything is okay and nice. (Everything will be fine.)
Germany went to the polls on February 23, 2025, the old governing coalition received 18 percent fewer votes than last time Parties critical of migration such as the CDU 28.5% and AfD 20.8% + BSW 4.97% = 54.27 have gathered the majority of votes. What comes next is still written in the stars at the moment.
I would like to promote some videos here that criticize wikipedia. Unfortunately, Wikipedia is not politically neutral. Unfortunately, the videos are all in German and you can only watch them with English subtitles, or in any other language you like. Since some people don’t know how to display the subtitles in their favorite language, I would like to explain this briefly. The Mozilla Firefox Internet browser has an addon called „S3“ that can translate both websites and subtitles into videos.
Wikipedia has a monopoly position as an online encyclopedia and abuses those to spread opinions that are not politically neutral. Wikipedia is often left-wing extremist.
However, even in the case of the Bucha massacre, neutrality is again missing.
Hate speech on the Internet – double standards
climate deniers, Corona deniers, Holocaust deniers
Wikipedia has something against deniers. There are meteorologists who claim that there is weather, but no climate that can be denied.
corona deniers? Do not deny that there are Corona or Sars CoV2 viruses, but have something against the restrictive measures of the state that are directed against people and against vaccinations with unknown side effects.
Holocaust deniers should usually be renamed revisionists. Holocaust denial should be legal and unpunished in all countries. If people want to claim that „only“ 300,000 to 600,000 Jews were killed during the entire Second World War, then this should be legal. We should all want to reject a Jewish historical dictatorship. There was probably the phrase used by the Allied states at the time of the „Cold War“, which also existed in the post-war show trials in Germany, see the London Statute of 6 August 1945 of the obviousness or the obvious. However, since the end of the „Cold War“, the number of victims for the concentration camps has been decreasing. The number of victims of more than 4 million for Auschwitz no longer exists and the number of victims for Majdanek has also fallen considerably by a factor 19. In Germany has probably secretly changed § 130 of Holocaust denial in the German Criminal Code in such a way that that anyone who does not claim that zero Jews were killed in World War II goes unpunished. According to the International Criminal Code, genocide has taken place when a member of a group has been killed, see International Criminal Code § 6.
Another topic
There is to be a UN migration pact. If that UN migration pact provides that homogeneous states in Europe are populated with people of foreign race and religion and that they commit terrorist attacks, homicides with knives against the local civilian population in Europe and Germany, is the targeted genocide now taking place in Europe under the umbrella of the UN?
Now back to Wikipedia and the mainstream media, which criticize the Muslim states too little for not accepting the UN Declaration of Human Rights, but instead producing their own Cairo Declaration of Human Rights, which applies in 55 states of the Arab League and where life and justice only takes place under Sharia.
We all need more freedoms, no matter where we live. This applies to Muslims who want to become other religions or even atheists and who want to continue to live in their Arab countries of origin, as well as to Europeans who want to make use of the right to free speech with impunity and do not want to be denigrated by their political opponents.
wikipedia Germany is not politically neutral
Berlin, December 19, 2024,
9 a.m.
Dear Sir or Madam,
the AI tells me that the CDU is a center-right party and when you read the election program for Saxony 2024 you think the CDU copied the AfD program. Why is the CDU allowed to say and write the things that the AfD is criticized for without punishment?
Is it because the bloc parties do not criticize each other? Is there still freedom of expression under the guise of the CDU?
But that is not my topic here. My topic today is that the 16 state interior ministers and the responsible interior ministers in cities and municipalities are apparently often deliberately unable to understand the Basic Law and the basic rights of the people in Germany.
One of the basic rights in Germany is that so-called right onservative political people are entitled to basic rights.
The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany does not state that right-wing political actors may be granted basic rights, but Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Basic Law stipulates that all people are entitled to all basic rights regardless of their political views and that right-wing political actors may also exercise their basic rights to the full. They may not be treated worse than left-wing activists.
Unfortunately, there is the issue of counter-demonstrations in Germany.
These counter-demonstrations violate the Basic Law and the basic rights of right conservative political actors, for example.
Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law states, and I quote:
„Everyone has the right to free development of their personality, as long as they do not violate the rights of others and do not offend against the constitutional order or moral law.“
(End of quote)
If everyone has the right to free development of their personality, then this also applies to right-wing political activists who organize a demonstration or other event, and the audience who want to go there also have the right to get there safely and without being disturbed.
Free development also means that the event is not impaired by the acoustically disturbing background noise of political opponents.
The people who organize counter-demonstrations are violating the personal rights of others and therefore they must be stopped.
Political opponents can demonstrate at the same place the next day, but not on the same day. The interior ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany must ensure that left-wing activists and their employers abide by the constitution.
However, with the screwed-up interior ministers that we have in many municipalities, who want to deprive their political opponents of their basic rights, which is a crime, one can then imagine how dubious the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution is, which is also subordinate to the Interior Ministry.
A state that writes an anti-hate law and does not prohibit hatred against right-wing opposition parties is an unjust tyranny. The political actors, including members of the Bundestag who come from the red-green swamp, are criminals because they want to treat their political opponents worse than their own criminal left-wing activists. Peaceful right conservative and right-radical activists in the Federal Republic of Germany are entitled to human rights and fundamental rights without restrictions according to the Basic Law. In a real democratic Germany, it must be possible for there to be right conservative and right-radical parties alongside left-wing parties that cannot be described as right-wing extremist. Right-wing is not always extreme. Here again, the Interior Minister and the subordinate Office for the Protection of the Constitution are called upon. The Interior Minister in conjunction with the Office for the Protection of the Constitution should graphically depict their ideal ideas for a democratic Germany based on the wording of the Basic Law, because a full democracy includes not only left-wing but also legal right conservative and right-radical parties.
And the legal right conservative parties in the democratic Federal Republic of Germany must also be allowed to say something that is not criminalized by the expression of extremism.
The politically left-wing actors in the Federal Republic of Germany must change and grant right-conservative activists more human rights. Democracy according to the Basic Law applies not only to left-wing activists but also to right-wing activists, see Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Basic Law.
If the representatives of the Federal Republic of Germany pass an anti-hate law, then they apparently have to treat all extremists equally, but they do not have the right to deny right radical artists, such as musicians, freedom of expression and artistic freedom. Exaggeration and satire are normal in art, as they are in political cabaret.
The interior ministers do not have the right to brand all musical delights by politically right conservative and right-radical actors as right-wing extremist. Unfortunately, the interior ministers in Germany are often not just and fair, otherwise they would know that they have to grant human and basic rights to political opponents too.
The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany does not say that only politically left-wing activists are entitled to basic rights and basic freedoms.
Many interior ministers and members of the German Bundestag are politically left-wing anti-democrats who deliberately do not want to understand the meaning of the Basic Law and they should be removed from their well-paid offices.
A left-wing multi-party dictatorship is just like the CPSU in Stalin’s Moscow, where there are indeed different opinions among the comrades, which can be as different as the people themselves, but if a comrade says that we have too many people of foreign religions in Moscow, then Stalin sends him to the Gulag system in Siberia.
As you can see, today’s left-wing multi-party dictatorship is not that far removed from the one-party dictatorship in communist states, and that was not the basic idea of the fathers of the Basic Law.
On the subject of communism, Alexander Issajewitsch Solzhenitsyn stated, „You can recognize a communist system by the fact that it spares criminals and criminalizes political opponents.“
Criminal migrants are spared by many politically left-wing parties or „swallowed under the carpet in the main news.“ Migrants hardly ever appear as perpetrators in the films of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Now I can already hear the first people cheering that the Federal Republic of Germany is not communist. However, I am not claiming this, I am only pointing out that during the „Cold War“ the Eastern Bloc states were rightly described as totalitarian and the Federal Republic of Germany now seems totalitarian without legitimate right-wing parties, as the right-wing parties are wrongly criminalized.
A left-wing multi-party dictatorship is a long way from a real democracy.
The AfD is helpful in learning to recognize that the current Federal Republic of Germany is only a facade or sham democracy.
Right conservative and right-radical parties are currently in government in 6 countries in Europe, plus the USA and Israel.
The inhabitants of Germany are entitled to the same democratic human rights as are possible and usual in other countries.
The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is patriotic (loves its homeland) and against globalization. Apparently patriotism does not lead to nationalism = Nazi, otherwise the communists would have to be partly Nazis.
Apparently the logic of the BRD system people is WRONG.
Text writer:
Kai Oettmeier
(Germany / Berlin)
AfD sympathizer
PS One:
The Thuringian head of the constitutional protection agency Kramer said in an interview in 2024 that we have 20 percent brown dregs. People are people and not dregs, but the educational level of the SPD members has never been particularly great,
Unfortunately, it is not clear from the sentence whether he assumes this only applies to Thuringia or to the whole of Germany. The AfD in Thuringia received more than 30 percent of the votes in the last state elections in 2024. The left-wing extremist would have misjudged Thuringia. Perhaps this is more of a forecast for the upcoming federal election in 2025.
If the mainstream media assume that the employees of the VS always tell the truth, then we all expect at least 20 percent of the votes to go to the AfD in the upcoming federal elections in 2025 and if not, we accuse the state and its organs of electoral fraud.
If the AfD gets 20 to 30 percent of all votes in the upcoming federal elections in 2025, then that’s okay. Even if the AfD voters certainly do not describe themselves as „brown“, but as democrats who would like to make use of the democracy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
PS Two:
The federal ministers do not have the right to withhold basic rights from public service employees either. When young Muslims live in Germany, they often listen to so-called gangster rap and do not become criminals because of it, and ethnic German young adults must have the right to listen to so-called right-wing music on the Internet, just as it used to be played on the Germania online radio.
What was legally possible 10 years ago must still be legally possible today, and the federal ministers and members of parliament have a duty to reintroduce democracy in Germany and, in cases of doubt, to describe right-wing music as right-wing radical and legal, with a few exceptions.
The members of parliament and interior ministers, who are supposed to help the entire German people according to their oath of office, are welcome to promote and finance so-called right-wing rock music on FM or DAB radio.
PS Three:
The state offices for the protection of the constitution work in an unprofessional manner. They often use statements from AfD state parliamentarians, although their „political immunity“ applies not only to statements in the state parliament, but also to statements outside the state parliament.
All accusations of right- extremism are therefore implausible or illegitimate.
The accusation of right- extremism evaporates.
AfD supporters are not against the Basic Law either, but they like to quote (like me) what is written in the constitution. Liberal, democratic basic order also applies to right- parties versus left-wing multi-party dictatorships.
Now read the propaganda story, not the truth, but propaganda story.
The NSU story, what is true and what are lies of the government? In the opinion of the German domestic intelligence service, the NSU is supposed to be called the „National Socialist Underground“ in this case.
Books on the subject written in German and can only be found in German on amazon.
Stefan Aust, Dirk Laabs: „Heimatschutz – Der Staat und die Mordserie des NSU“, Munich, Pantheon, 2014, and:
Andreas Förster (eds.): „Geheimsache NSU – Zehn Morde, von Aufklärung keine Spur“, Tübingen, Klöpfer & Meyer, 2014.The Office for the Protection of the Constitution was too close
In a free, democratic state based on the rule of law, there should be no state secrets. The people are the sovereign and the politicians and their employees in the authorities should serve the people. Why do I say this? The following sentence was uttered by the secret service coordinator and former vice president of the German head of the domestic intelligence service, Klaus-Dieter Fritsche, before the NSU committee: „No state secrets must be disclosed that undermine government action.“
The state itself has never issued a final report on this topic that would be available to the public. As long as leading employees of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, or ex-employees, testify that zero soot particles were found in the lungs of the autopsy results of Bönhard and Mundlos, this only allows the conclusion that both were already dead when the mobile home was set on fire. Two dead as perpetrators are very favorable for the state, as they cannot object. Homicides against people with a migrant background still exist today, but we now know that migrants can also kill each other. Just think of all the clans and Nafia groups. There are several offshoots of the Italian Mafia, Turkish Mafia, Albanian Mafia and the Black Axe from Africa.
The entire German state announcements are SPD gibberish, i.e. propaganda against right-wing (extremism). Just think of the primitive state-organized demonstrations against the right at the beginning of the year and the mainstream media even reported extensively about it, which was not the case with demonstrations against the Corona coercive measures. Unfortunately, the mainstream media and the federal government were never interested in a neutral investigation, but left-wing to left-wing extremist prejudices from the milieu of the SPD were to be spread. True to the motto it can’t be what shouldn’t be, all traces of the SoKo Bosporus were discarded and the officials were wrongly accused of racism, which may not be the case. If the Ceska murder victims all had contact with organized crime in advance and, according to witness statements, 90 percent of the victims were threatened and intimidated by compatriots in their mother tongue before their execution, then one can get the idea that these were murders in the milieu of organized crime. In addition, there were probably also witness statements about suspects who were seen at the scene of the crime at the time of the crime, and the identikit pictures often show people of the southern type.Perhaps it is sufficient in reality that the NSU troops were only responsible for bank robberies and possibly for nail bomb attacks. Perhaps the Ceska murders are due to something else.
The story spread by the government is certainly completely false.
If Ms. Faeser publicly mourns the NSU victims today, then this is only propaganda against right-wing parties, but has nothing to do with the events of the past. Otherwise, it would also have to name the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as an accomplice in reality. Court rulings and miscarriages of justice have already occurred in all countries of the world.
Unfortunately, the CDU in Germany often seems embarrassingly stupid, while the SPD voters demonstrate against the right. Even if the CDU partly calls itself the center, while the firewall comes to the right of it, the comrades from the SPD see the CDU CSU as a right-winger, which has always been the case. CDU top politicians should point out that the federal government, including the SPD and the Greens, only want to fight against right-wing extremism. Migrant associations and migrant lawyers now play the role of the offended liverwurst when they hear the word kebab murders or Soko Bosporus and falsely accuse the investigators of racism. However, racism has something to do with the claim that I am higher than you because of racial characteristics, and that is exactly what the police investigators did not do at all. If the investigators had given the SoKo an animal name such as monkey or zebra, the same victims‘ lawyers would feel just as offended. Since the red-green parties also got involved in this smear theater, it was no longer allowed to be the traces of organized crime in Turkey determined by the magazine Spiegel for reasons of misunderstood political correctnes. (Authors: Oliver Bendixen and Matthias Fink). It showed detailed interview excerpts from relatives of the victims and police officers involved, the course of the investigation and that the theses and investigations pursued in the victims‘ environment had not led to any result, not even after a reward had been offered. In February 2011, the news magazine Der Spiegel reported on the basis of the statements of an informant that an alliance of Turkish nationalists, intelligence officers, military, politicians and lawyers, entangled with the underground organization Ergenekon and the right-wing nationalist Grey Wolves, was behind the crimes. It is about building a „deep state„, for which the Turks living in Germany must also pay tribute. The practice is to shoot those who do not make their business available for money laundering or the like. „The shot in the face was the sign of the Turkish nationalists for the loss of honor, the same weapon was always a warning to others.“ Investigators said they had found no evidence of links to the victims of Turkish nationalists.
In August 2011, Der Spiegel wrote that investigators had had contact with a Turkish informant Mehmet with insider knowledge. He had been involved in one of the crimes as an informant for the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and knew the hiding place of the murder weapon in Switzerland. He also explained the involvement of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Contact was broken off on 5 July 2011. The Nuremberg public prosecutor’s office confirmed the incident to Der Spiegel. Writing truths is not racism and there is no Turkish race and no German race anyway.
Until November 2011, German media reports almost always suspected Turkish criminals as the perpetrators. On April 15, 2006, the Bild newspaper reported that there were „four hot leads: drug mafia, organized crime, protection rackets, money laundering.“ On May 30, 2006, the Hamburger Abendblatt wrote: „The parallel world of the Turks, which is difficult to penetrate, protects the killers.“ On August 1, 2007, the Second German Television (ZDF) broadcast the documentary Jagd nach dem Phantom by Sybille Bassler about the series of murders. Repeatedly, the program Aktenzeichen XY … unsolved the serial offenses. On August 3, 2006, presenter Rudi Cerne speculated that the murdered were themselves involved in criminal business and therefore fell victim to contract killers of organized crime.
The Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany has already led the fight against right-wing extremism in 2011 and two dead Uwes, to whom the entire series of murders could now be attributed, plus a video claiming responsibility with Paulchen Panter, were now very well suited to agitate against the right-wing extremists in the interests of the SPD and the Greens. The origin of the confession video, which was sent on 14 DVDs, is still unknown today, because not everyone can make a good comic film and it is still doubted that the two Uwes or V Ms. Zschäpe had such knowledge. Thus, the suspicion would remain that the employees of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution themselves produced the film or had it produced. Of course, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution could now do the opposite of shredding for the unproven deeds and invent and write down novels and fairy tales about the two dead murderers. There were still more than 12 months until the NSU trial.
Even then, there were already political officials in the VS who wrote like slaves what their interior minister wanted to hear. Even today, the Federal President and lower ranks do not agitate against Muslims who grope or rape people, mainly women, in open-air swimming pools throughout Germany in the summer, and the clique that governs Germany does not agitate against gang rapists, mostly with a migration background, and Haldenwang does not comment on knife attacks either. Neither our stupid presidents nor the politicians come to the conclusion that we now have to hold the middle class of society together against the Muslims who have gone wild, who behave like an axe in the forest and who lack any decent behavior. Muslims will certainly have killed more than 10 ethnic bio-Germans in Germany last year. Murder is murder. Whether the perpetrator is a right-wing extremist or a Muslim does not matter to the victim. The so-called right-wing extremists are not the main evil of this society, but all the left-wing weirdos, the swindlers of the SPD and the Greens, who do not want to see the normal criminality of people who like to call themselves the center of society. If the state finances the SPD, Greens and CDU, FDP private associations that agitate against right-wing democratic parties and voters and thus ultimately severely damage democracy in Germany, then the left-wing parties and their propaganda apparatuses are the Böse.Im Basic Law of the FRG does not state that Germany should be a left-wing multi-party dictatorship. In addition to left-wing parties, a free democratic state based on the rule of law always necessarily includes right-wing parties, against which the state must not fight if it wants to continue to claim to be a full-fledged democracy.
In Article 3 of the Basic Law, there is even something about the equality of people before the law and thus apparently also legislators, and that should be the politicians of the government, who have to ensure that equality between right-wing extremists and ordinary citizens can take place in reality. Equality means that different people should be treated equally.
Books about pseudo-democracy are available in Germany from
Peter Schlabach
The Western pseudo-democracies: capital-driven, party-dominated
A Jew (David Cole) visit Auschwitz
Tape 1 (30 minutes))
A Jew (David Cole visit Auschwitz
Tape 2 (30 minutes)
Jews speak over concentrarion camps
This video was produced by an Internet user who proves how often the 5 or 6 million number and the word Holocaust appear in newspapers since 1850.
In this video, 10 newspapers are presented, between 1915 and 1938, which named the word Holocaust or the 6 million number.
The Jewish review from Germany printed in september 2022
– Bat Ye’or: The EU’s anti-Israel policy and Iran currying favor is aiding and abetting a renewed genocide of the Jewish people
– left wing extremist against Israel
– After the war: The hell in refugee homes
– Jewish free zones in USA
– Is the west global failled?
Herman Rosenblatt speak over Holocaust by TV-abc
Movie from Oliver Stone over the Ukrain in which he spooken over Ukrainian SS Galicien and SS Nightingale – The massacre from Babi Jar under involvement from unkrainian nationalists.
The name of movie are: „Ukrain on fire“ from Oliver Stone.
Oliver Stone have 3 times the Oscar win.
Or you find it on the website www.highway56.net
Do you know the conspiracy theory about the lying press???
The Federal Republic of Germany is located on the continent of Europe and has had a relatively large number of criminal migrants on its territory for 30 years.The handful of feature films in which a person with a migrant background was truthfully allowed to portray a criminal main perpetrator is close to zero. Maybe an Italian or Colombian was allowed to trade arms in Germany or even belong to the mafia, but there is no real image of what is everyday life in Germany in the feature films.
In reality, 80 percent of all homicides in Germany are committed by migrants and/or foreigners. In the feature films from Germany, this truth is shamefully swept under the carpet and one pretends that it does not exist.
9/11 memorial
and the muslim terrorist Osama bin Laden and his friend
Mainstreammedia in Germany knows too few truths and seriously investigative journalists who report neutrally and objectively have never been, but they often consider honest journalism to be defamatory, like the honorable society (Mafia).
The NSU story has a very different background than that of the mainstream media makers committed to NATO imperialism. Believe it or not, on November 4, 2011 at 7:00 a.m., insiders already knew what would be broadcast on the “dailyshow” at 8:00 p.m. in the evening.
The message was:
„We have found 2 dead skinheads in the pathology department in Munich and you will be amazed at what you will hear in the evening at 8.00 a.m. in the dailyshow“
and that at a time when the two main perpetrators were still alive according to the official historiography.
In the USA, before the 9/11 massacre, some people are said to have received phone calls warning them not to go to work that day.
The mainstream media makers are integrated into the respective state circus and do what they are told.
If the investigating police officers uploaded their entire investigation results to the case on the Internet because they were dissatisfied with what the politicians (political correctness moderately) determined and what was published in the mainstream media, this only testifies to the fact that the police did not want to be prohibited by politics and mainstream media from thinking. The police were of the opinion that all traces lead to Turkey and that mafia-like structures from Turkey were responsible for the homicides. All Ceska murder victims were threatened and intimidated by compatriots in their mother tongue before their execution, some of them changed their lifestyle or sold their businesses below the market price. All Ceska murder victims had contacts with organized crime in Germany and there is not only the Italian mafia in Europe, but also Turks who want a piece of the pie.
Enclosed is a video of a former Office for the Protection of the Constitution employee (head of the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Thuringia) for which you can display the subtitles in any desired national language.
I uncovered a bigger lie in the ever-popular children’s book „Uncle Tom’s Cabin.“ Me and you who may have read this book, we were lied to for no reason from the beginning.
In the Hadith Sahih Muslim 3240 say the prophet to his friends , „a women come and go as a devil.“
Next: Movies before the iranian revolution 1979
movie „The Cow“ young iranian cinema before the revolution
Chess of the Wind from 1976 written by Mohammad Reza Aslani
Ich bin ein Berliner.
Ich ging in der DDR zur Schule, welche auch schon meine Eltern besuchen durften.
Mein Vater ist in Zwickau geboren und hat später Medizin studiert und nachfolgend im staatlichen Gesundheitswesen der DDR gearbeitet und meine Mutter ist in Berlin geboren und hat später Jura studiert und als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Humboldtuniversität in Berlin gearbeitet und musste unter anderem auch die Studenten unterrichten.
Da zu DDR Zeiten leider nur die 2 besten Schüler je Klasse zum Abitur zugelassen wurden, konnte ich leider nur nach der 10. klassigen Polytechnischen Oberschule eine kaufmännische Ausbildung im Großhandel absolvieren.
Vielleicht präsentiere ich Ihnen hier in Zukunft auch noch deutschsprachige interessante Videos oder sonstiges.
If you can read german, read: