Allied War Crimes Trials – I.G. Farben Trial – Files from US website „Library of Congress“ (sensational no “Zyklon-B” in the files)

Allied war criminals trials


The Allied states held trials in Germany after World War II about the main culprits in the war and the mass killings of Jews in the Concentration camps for example Auschwitz to condemn and punish.
The first and best-known post-war process was the so-called IMT, i.e. the International Military tribunal in Nuremberg.

There was also the I.G. Color process. At I.G. According to the GDR historiography, people were among the people involved in the color process condemned those who produced “Zyklon-B”. In the court filings of I.G. Color process stands in principle the word “Zyklon-B” or “cyclone-B” is not there.
The word “Zyklon-B” or „Cyclone-B“ only appears twice in the footnotes, where the Americans explain why lead this process. In the running text only the words lostgas, mustardgas and poisongas appear before.

Lost gas (lost) = sulfur and nitrogen-containing compounds
Mustard gas = mustard gas
Poison gas = combat gas

If you look at the 15 volumes of the I.G. Color process I.G: Color trials – Vol 15 <-please press blue You can easily download these PDF files by keywords such as “Zyklon-B” or Search for “cyclone-B” and find nothing, but lost gas, poison gas and mustard gas.



The Americans did not believe the communist Soviets‘ stories about the massacre in Katyn at the time and so, in collaboration with the International Red Cross, they proved in the early 1950s that Stalin’s NKVD was the perpetrator and not the Germans who lied like 100 perjured Soviets.

Perhaps the Americans at the time didn’t believe the Soviets‘ Zyklon B atrocity stories and assumed that Zyklon B was only used to disinfect clothing and buildings?