The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg
At the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, the main war criminals were convicted.
However, there was one peculiarity, the accusations of guilt of the Allies did not have to be proven. (see also London Statute of 8 August 1945)
Today, 70 years later and after the end of the „Cold War“, the official number of Auschwitz victims is, according to the Polish Auschwitz Museum with 1 to 1.5 million dead and you can also borrow books about the Auschwitz concentration camp in Germany
in which the total number of victims is given as a maximum of 711,000 ( by Jean Claude Pressac – „The Crematoria of Auschwitz – Technique of Mass Murder“ ) – is available in good libraries.
Wikipedia today gives the total number of victims as 80,000 including 60,000 Jews.
Number of victims inflated by a factor of 19.
As early as the 1950s, the Americans, in cooperation with the International Red Cross, determined that this
not the National Socialists, but Stalin’s NKVD were the perpetrators, which wikipedia also sees it that way. (see also the Soviet testimony with 100 testimonies about this event, which is relatively insignificant in the overall historiography of the Second World War. Why did the Soviets bother to make 100 false statements for this relatively „insignificant event“?
In the course of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, there is a film by the American film producer Oliver Stone called „Ukrain on fire“, in which he also deals with the entire historiography of the Ukrainian people and mentions, among other things, that in the Second World War the Ukrainians built up their own SS divisions (SS Nachtigall and SS Galicia) in order to kill Jews together with the National Socialists or in anticipatory obedience. This statement applies to the massacre of Babi Yar and other places.The people who lived in Ukraine also committed the pogrom of Kishinev in 1903, a city that, like the entire Republic of Moldova, was annexed to Russia in 1878. Between 10,000 Jews and 1 million Jews were killed in that pogrom, and the New York Times wrote at the time that 5 million Jews were on the verge of extinction. So not only Germans are responsible for the massacre of Babi Yar, but also Ukrainians who have such skills.
If the communist soviets demonstrably uttered 3 lies (Maijdanek, Auschwitz victims and Katyn) in court, the question must be whether the „Zyklon-B“ historiography, which does not fit the IG Farben trial, is also a lie?
When the Americans, British and French liberated a concentration camp, there was no „Zyklon-B“ to kill people and when the Soviets liberated a concentration camp, there was „Zyklon-B“. Is the murder weapon dependent on the liberator?
Shouldn’t one be able to expect that the SS used the same technique for killing in all concentration camp branches?
All statements by Jews about „Zyklon-B“ killings are so-called „hearsay“ statements. There are only the Jewish capos who of the SS, as the only „eyewitnesses“ who, after the war, usually told their fellow Jews the problem of credibility.
Thanks to the fact that both the barracks and the clothing in the concentration camps were disinfected with „Zyklon-B“, the „Red Army“ find mountains of these „Zyklon-B“ rifles.
Collective thinking or collective thinking
Unfortunately, there seems to be no positive word for peer pressure.
However, one could voluntarily want to belong to a group and therefore want to integrate into that group.
However, there are the words collective and collective thinking and collective consciousness.
For example, during and after the so-called reunification of Germany, the West German politicians promised the East Germans, or inhabitants of central Germany, heaven on earth, or „blooming landscapes“.
However, after the trust company sold some companies for a symbolic apple and an egg, or for „1 symbolic DM“ and many GDR companies plundered and the employees were dismissed en masse, the East Germans often had a feeling of being cheated and they also accused the West Germans of this by talking about having been cheated by the Wessis, even if this was not true for many in the details of their own lives.
Even people (East Germans) who had experienced zero suffering themselves now felt collectivistically towards the West Germans and transferred the suffering of the partly disadvantaged East Germans to their own lives and inserted this into their own language for no reason.
Newspaper reports caused a collectivist groupthink among the East Germans.
The situation is similar with the group of Jews after the Second World War and their experiences in the concentration camps.
The Jews learned in the newspapers worldwide that the IMT in Nuremberg testified that people were gassed in concentration camps by means of „Zyklon-B“ and that, for example, 4 million Jews died in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
The figure of 4 million is now officially refuted and today there is official talk of about 1 million Jews killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
However, the newspapers around the world seem to have hardly appreciated the IG Farben trial, preferring to stick to the statements of the IMT in Nuremberg, which they disseminated worldwide. There were hardly any direct eyewitness reports of Jews being killed by gas, except for those of the Capos, Jews who worked as SS assistants in the concentration camps.
Those SS assistants logically tried to market themselves positively, since they were known to have collaborated with the enemy (SS). In their statements and possibly written books, they liked to take over the stories of the IMT in Nuremberg.
Unfortunately, from a historical point of view, not everything written in the war crimes trials can be called true. The testimony of Rudolf Höss (commandant of Auschwitz) is considered obsolete today. The statements of the Soviets are often the same. However, the international press continued to report on the „Zyklon-B“ story, which was most likely false according to the IG Farben trial files.
Slowly, after 3 years, the Jews worldwide adopted the „Zyklon-B“ thinking, into their own experiences with the SS enemy and their experiences in the concentration camps, a form of collectivist thinking, as described above by the East Germans described above. The European press often misdescribed Hitler’s Germany as a right-thinking state structure, while in my eyes „socialist states“ are and have always been left-wing state structures, and National Socialist Germany was not just a party that called itself that.
Every newspaper reader, no matter what industry he works in, has read a documentary about his industry in the newspapers.
In these reports, both truths and false statements appear for one’s own feelings.
Often the reports are poorly researched. Sometimes the units of measurement are not correct or it is exaggerated or factually incorrect statements are made. Another time the coma is put in the wrong place when figures are given.
Even with harmless travel reports, 1,700 miles = 1,700 kilometers.
The press organs also reported only on the Jews who told stories about gas chambers.
Jews who did not want to do so did not receive an article in the newspaper with their picture as Holocaust survivors.