IMT - Londoner Statute

Statute for the International Military Tribunal in Germany, which was confiscated from America according to US interpretation and S.H.A.E.F. laws. (PDF at the bottom of the page)


The military tribunal took place in a state without a German government in no man’s land, which was occupied by the four Allied states.


Article 6c

  1. c) Crimes against humanity: namely: murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation or other inhumane acts (etc.)

In the enumeration of various crimes, it is striking that extermination apparently has nothing to do with murder, but that it most likely means expulsion.


Article 19

The Court is not bound by rules of evidence, it is to apply a speedy and non-formal procedure to a large extent, and to admit any evidence that appears to it to have probative value.


Article 21

The Court should not require proof of facts that are generally known, but should take note of them of its own motion; (etc.)


Comment: „The earth is a flat disk“, a well-known fact, was believed for a long time.

Or false, exaggeratedly high concentration camps Auschwitz and Majdanek concentration camps – numbers of victims, plus false testimony about the Katyn massacre.


The Allies claimed that after the armed forces of the German Reich had surrendered unconditionally in 1945 and the incumbent Reich government (under Reich President Karl Dönitz, who had been unconstitutionally appointed by the „Führer and Reich Chancellor“) had been arrested by the Allies on May 23, 1945, the German Reich had lacked state power. However, the three (later four) Allies had already begun in 1944 to organize the governmental power in the German Reich after a defeat and formally this governmental power was also taken over by the „Declaration in view of the defeat of Germany and the assumption of the supreme governmental power with regard to Germany“ of June 5, 1945.

Defeat of Germany?
The state was called the „German Reich“ and not Germany.

The Final Solution of the Jewish Question

The so-called extermination order.

The word exterminate occurs logically in the book „Mein Kampf“ by Adolf Hitler.
Herr Hitler claims that the Jews want to exterminate the intelligentsia.
(I don’t think Hitler thinks the Jews want to kill all intelligent people.)

Furthermore, the book says that Germanness was exterminated in the Habsburg monarchy.
(I have never heard of German people being killed in the Habsburg monarchy.)

exterminate, rotten, Rottenführer, zusammenrotten, die Rotte = today unfortunately often an outdated way of expressing However,

in GDR times the word zusammenrotten was still in the newspapers of the GDR.
In GDR times, for example, there were illegal gatherings of „subversive elements“, i.e. opponents met for an unauthorized demonstration.

The Rottenführer does not lead his gang to death, but from A to B.
Word stem „-rotte“

The fallen tree, which lies in the forest and rots away, decays into humus by itself.

According to the documents of the SS, which were written in the House of the Wannsee Conference, extermination also means emigrating, evacuating (meaning: resettling). The documents state that the Jews were to be deported to the east while building roads.

This is only about the root word „-rotte“.

The word „extermination camp“ is often translated as an extermination camp or extermination camp.
The word extermination camp is a malicious insinuation.
If the Auschwitz concentration camp had been an extermination camp, the total number of victims would have been much higher, and there would have been no Auschwitz survivors of all ages in Israel or the United States in 1948.If the government of the German Reich had pursued the goal of killing all Jews, they would have succeeded. However, the government of the German Reich was content with the goal of relocating the Jews to Palestine in accordance with the Madagascar Plan. The German government could not help the fact that the British in the Mandate of Palestine increased the ship landing fees weekly in order to make the resettlement of the Jews more difficult, this can also be seen from the documents of the Wannsee Conference.

A military tribunal that, according to Article 19, was not bound by the usual rules of evidence, can hardly be described as fair, but rather sentences should be passed quickly. In the USA, there have often been miscarriages of justice, even in execution trials, where person A was killed, and years later it turned out by chance that the real perpetrator D only got into the hands of the investigating authorities years later.

I would like to mention again at this point that the founding of the State of Israel had nothing to do with the Second World War, but that the League of Nations (the predecessor of the UN) had already decided in July 1927 that the State of Israel should be refounded.