Holocaust, Revisionism, Holocaust Denial, Legal Historical Research and Truths
The Holocaust, What is it, What does it mean?
The word Holocaust comes from the Greek and means to burn, complete burning or burnt offering in favor of the gods. According to this, the Holocaust then took place in the crematoria of the concentration camps. For everything else, the Jews probably use the word Shoah(h).
Shoah means misfortune or catastrophe.
Shoah denial does not exist in this world, because no one denies that Jews were treated worse than standard NSDAP members during the Nazi era. Revisionism is not a criminal offence in Germany and the history books of the children who go to school in today’s FRG also contain revisionist facts. Children today no longer learn anything about 4 million Auschwitz deaths.Unfortunately, many people use the word Holocaust in a completely inappropriate place, completely headless where it does not fit at all.
Holocaust denial is also not a criminal offence in the FRG. Many people tell complete nonsense. On the website www.wahrheitsbewegung.info you will find a video of mine on the topic „so-called Holocaust denial is legal“ under „Videos/Lectures/Documentation“. In the 1980s, the revisionist Ernst Zündel was accused by a Jewish woman in Toronto of spreading false news about the Holocaust and was acquitted, i.e. he spread the truth.
Since it has been proven that lies were obviously presented by the prosecutors at the IMT trial, legal texts can also change over time and so the word is obviously no longer contained in the German Code of Civil Procedure.
According to international human rights, there is a right to truth even for war-losing states.
It must be legal to tell other truths than what mainstream media tell.
At the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, the following statements were made, among others:
3.0 million Jews killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp under the direction of Rudolf Höss (confession)
More than 4 million Jews killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp (IMT Vol.39) The france Jews J.C. Pressac say 711,000 people inclusive Jews died in Auschwitz
1.5 million Jews killed in Majdanek concentration camp (IMT)
60,000 Wikipedia
Why do there have to be 6 million Jews killed,
even if the number of victims in the concentration camps is reduced?
The statement that more than 4 million Jews died in Auschwitz can be found several times in the IMT volumes, including Vol. 1 on page 47, and there it is also written that 1.5 million Jews died in the Majdanek concentration camp. Today’s statements can be found on the website www.highway56.net on the main page as the last topic.
From 1945 to 1992, all Jews told the 4 million Auschwitz victims. Today, all Jews accept the new lower number of victims. If Höss’s confession is obsolete today, why should Eichmann’s be more credible? If the number of Auschwitz victims was inflated by a factor of 7 and 4 and the number of victims of Majdanek was inflated by a factor of 19 …. ( Nightingale I hear you trap. )
The Federal Republic of Germany should not be a Jewish dictatorship, where the Central Council Jews run a Ministry of Truth for Germany, but German people must have the right to proclaim their own convictions and opinions with impunity. Fritjof Meyer (see wikipedia) has given the number of Auschwitz victims as 510,000.
Primitive people cannot see with their intellect that sometimes already 5 years after graduation, some historical facts are evaluated differently than they have learned in school, but history and the world is permanently in Bewegung.So as the former US Secretary of State Collin Powell told lies in front of the UN to justify the 1st Iraq War, other official personalities, such as Jews and German politicians, have already told lies to the FRG. Every Jew who claimed for decades that 4 million people died in Auschwitz told lies from today’s official historical point of view.
In the meantime, the Federal Republic of Germany has changed the official laws in Germany to such an extent that the so-called Holocaust denial as practiced by Mr. Zündel is legal. We Germans are even allowed to approve the invasion of German troops into Poland.
When Jews in Germany claim that „Holocaust denial“ is a criminal offense, they are not telling the truth, to put it kindly. The first problem is the word „Holocaust denial“. Holocaust means burning, etc. see above. All people who are wrongly insulted by Jews as Holocaust deniers do not deny that the Jews were burned in crematoria.
Climate deniers also do not deny that there is a climate and Corona deniers do not deny that there are viruses and bacteria. The liars in Germany are not the defamed deniers, but the senders who want to use the word denier in a negative way against their fellow human beings.