conspiracy theories over murder by John F. Kennedy
Murder of US President
John F. Kennedy
Theories and speculations
In the following, evidence is presented both for the version of the Warren Commission that there was only one shooter, and for the fact that Oswald did not act alone or, as he himself said, was only the „scapegoat“ for the masterminds acting in the background. The most popular theories related to the assassination are not mutually exclusive, as they are partly related to each other:
Lyndon B. Johnson
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson benefited greatly from Kennedy’s death, as he subsequently became president himself, but probably could not have won an election himself. During Kennedy’s presidency, his influence was very limited. Kennedy had also discussed with people close to him whether Johnson should not be dropped before the 1964 election. Richard Nixon spread similar rumors in a Dallas newspaper, because he was involved in a series of scandals. The investigation „disappeared“ after he took office. Allegedly, E. Howard Hunt confessed to his son shortly before his death that Johnson was involved in the assassination.
A long-unidentified fingerprint found on a cardboard box on the fifth floor of the textbook depot has a 14-point match to that of a partner named Johnson’s named Malcolm Wallace, a convicted murderer, according to finger expert A. Nathan Darby.
Johnson’s lover Madeleine Duncan Brown reported in 1988 of a party at the home of the right-wing conservative oil magnate Murchison, where Hoover, Johnson, Nixon, Marcello and others had met in Dallas the day before the assassination. Johnson, who was politically stricken at the time and had to fear investigations into Mafia involvement, had announced to her that he would become the next president and no longer have to fear anything from the Kennedys.
Significantly, it was Johnson who initially wanted to ban an independent committee of inquiry altogether, but then set up the Warren Commission, which he himself appointed , which never seriously investigated the possibility of a conspiracy and came to the politically opportune conclusion that it must have been the act of a confused lone perpetrator.
Cord Meyer
Like the Kennedys, Cord Meyer had belonged to the aristocracy of the East Coast, but had been betrayed by his wife with John F. Kennedy. According to CIA colleague E. Howard Hunt, the jealous CIA man, who had lost an eye in the war, sought revenge and allegedly carried out the murder in the hope that Johnson would be charged with this, who saw Kennedy as an obstacle to achieving the manically desired presidency. Meyer’s now divorced wife Mary was shot dead by an unknown assailant in 1964. Meyer said before his death that she had been killed by the same „sons of bitches“ as Kennedy.
Federal Reserve
John F. Kennedy wanted to nationalize the US money monopoly (private finance system). Only a few months before his assassination, according to witnesses, his father Joseph Kennedy asked and warned him to refrain from doing so, otherwise he would be killed. John F. Kennedy did not want to know about it and signed Executive Order number 11110 on June 4, 1963. Executive Order 11110 was intended to annul Executive Order Number 10289 and would have had the effect of nationalizing monetary sovereignty. By 1963, more than $4 billion of the so-called United States notes had already been put into circulation and large quantities were already waiting for delivery at the printing plant.
As far as can be seen from the outside, US big finance originally had only the goal of dominating the US currency in order to be able to manipulate the US market at its own will. The private central bank system (FED) served this purpose. When President Abraham Lincoln needed money to finance the Civil War in 1861 and the loans of the Rothschild banks were too expensive for him, he had his own dollar bills printed – the „greenback“. This was an unwise decision by Lincoln, and he paid for it with his life. In 1865 he was shot by a lone wolf, who in turn was also shot while fleeing. The successor of A. Lincoln was A. Johnson, who, interestingly, ceased production of the „Greenback“.
Interestingly, on November 22, 1963 – 100 years after Lincoln – JFK was also shot by a lone wolf. And coincidentally, he was also gunned down shortly after the assassination. The successor of John F. Kennedy was also called Johnson and he also stopped banknote production immediately.
In the meantime, however, the strategic goals of US big finance have grown far beyond the national dimension. Their goal is the global private monetary system, which they have largely achieved with the dominance of their private dollar and its assertion as the main currency reserve everywhere in the world and only have to formalize with one world currency – euro-dollar.
Military-industrial complex
The so-called US military-industrial complex (MIK), which was supposedly preparing for an escalation of the Vietnam War after France withdrew from Indochina in 1954, is said to have known that Kennedy was already considering a withdrawal plan starting in 1965. In addition, there was strong anger in the American military-intelligence apparatus over the fact that Kennedy had not provided overt military support for the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, which had been co-organized by the CIA. On the contrary, in the context of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the US government had promised the Soviet Union to refrain from further attempts to invade Cuba. Kennedy’s predecessor, Dwight D. Eisenhower, had already warned of the increased influence of the military-industrial complex in the US.
CIA or CIA environment
In many theories about the assassination of Kennedy, the foreign intelligence service Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is mentioned, which was also immediately suspected by the later assassinated Attorney General Robert Kennedy. During the 1960s and 1970s, it was leaked that the CIA had been involved in the assassination of foreign heads of state.
Kennedy himself, for example, had approved assassination attempts on Fidel Castro by the CIA. Kennedy had made an enemy of military personnel such as Lyman L. Lemnitzer, the CIA and the Cuban exiles after the Bay of Pigs invasion because he had refused the Air Force air support hoped for by those involved. Influential military officers, who in any case held the young Kennedy in lower esteem than his predecessor, retired General Eisenhower, considered Kennedy too weak because of his peaceful solution to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Kennedy, on the other hand, considered the CIA incompetent and counterproductive, which is why, after the Bay of Pigs debacle, he announced his intention to smash the CIA „into a thousand pieces,“ fired the influential CIA chief Allen Dulles, and instructed FBI chief Hoover to identify and close the secret training camps for Cuban exiles. Dulles, of all people, became a member of the Warren Commission, which was to investigate the Kennedy assassination, and proclaimed the lone perpetrator theory from the beginning. Later attempts to limit the Agency’s power failed due to bureaucratic opposition. Years later, it turned out that arms dealer Clay Shaw, accused of Kennedy assassination, David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald, had worked for the CIA.
Charles Cabell, former CIA general, whom Kennedy had retired after the Bay of Pigs debacle, also had a strong motive. This must have offended Cabell all the more, as a major reason for the failure of the invasion had been the unsuitable landing point „Bay of Pigs“ personally chosen by Kennedy. Cabell’s brother was mayor of Dallas and therefore controlled the route like police.
In Europe, the Kennedys wanted to tolerate possible election victories of socialists for the first time and received corresponding politicians. This was contrary to the policy of the CIA, which in the 1950s had discredited communists and socialists through covert operations, built up the Gladio network and even planned a military occupation in the event of left-wing election victories in Italy, for example.
In January 1967, the CIA gave guidance to its staff on how to deal with criticism of the Warren Report, with the aim of discrediting and refuting the pervasive conspiracy theories.
Organised crime (East Coast)
An obvious motive for the murder was organized crime. The assassination, in this perspective, may have been in retaliation for an increasing number of FBI raids and activities.
It is documented that FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover denied the existence of a nationwide mafia syndicate in the USA, but maintained good contacts with underworld greats such as Frank Costello. Allegedly, the Mafia blackmailed J. Edgar Hoover, the long-time director of the FBI, because he was homosexual. Kennedy’s brother Robert, on the other hand, had distinguished himself in the Kefauver Committee as a fighter against nationally organized crime. Ironically, Kennedy’s father, Joseph P. Kennedy, of all people, had done business with the Italian-American mafia during prohibition, but also fought violent conflicts. Costello, of all people, had engaged in the election campaign in favor of the Kennedys, called on Italian-Americans to vote for the Catholic Kennedy and decisively manipulated the narrowly decided elections in five states, from which the syndicate hoped to please. When Kennedy became president, however, charges against the Mafia increased elevenfold under the Robert F. Kennedy-led Department of Justice. In addition, the Kennedy administration was ungrateful for the Mafia’s involvement in the CIA-led Bay of Pigs invasion and Operation Mongoose, which collaborated in various attempted attacks on Castro. The background had been a convergence of interests, as Kennedy wanted to eliminate Castro for political reasons, while the Mafia sought to compensate for its billions in losses caused by Castro’s seizure of the Mafia’s gambling and drug infrastructure in 1959. Kennedy, however, had ruled out military action after the Cuban Missile Crisis. After Kennedy’s assassination, the rate of charges against the Mafia fell back to pre-election levels.
A mobster named James E. Files described in an extensive recorded conversation in 1994 how he himself fired another shot at Kennedy behind the wooden fence at the height of the Zapruder perspective. The assassination plot against Kennedy could only be covered up with the participation of several state agencies in such a way that the lone perpetrator legend is still publicly adhered to today.
Final report on the assassination
In September 1964, the so-called „Warren Commission“ presented its final report on the assassination to the public. After extensive investigations, the Commission had come to the conclusion that Oswald alone had been the perpetrator.