
Jewish review from November 2022

After the war: Hell in refugee homes

Having escaped the hell of war, many Ukrainian women and girls face another danger. In the Western European refugee shelters, they are threatened and sexually harassed by predominantly Muslim men. According to statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), there are two gang rapes in the country every day, more than half of the rapists are immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. A topic that is deliberately ignored by our media and whose naming is not only a taboo, but also leads to the defamation of the admonishers. (JR)

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has inflicted unspeakable misery and suffering on millions of people. This drama has many facets. Reports from the battlefield and refugee camps are just the tip of the iceberg. We know almost nothing about some of the side effects caused by the war. One of them is the tragedy of Ukrainian women and children in Western Europe, where they had to deal with the multicultural reality.

Dangerous rendezvous

On the border with Poland and other Eastern European countries, there was mass violence against refugee women. In the spring, the Bild newspaper and other sources reported that many Afghans, Africans and Arabs had gathered at Germany’s eastern border and arrived with Ukrainian refugees. They mingled with the crowd, claiming they had studied in Ukraine, lost their documents in a hurry, and were fleeing the war.

The „habits“ of these „students“ were described in an interview with AUF1 and Christian Zeitz, who worked for many years in Eastern Europe and Ukraine. According to him, migrants from Syria, the Maghreb countries and sub-Saharan Africa harassed Ukrainian women in every possible way, insulted them, called them „Christian whores“, „demihumans“, harassment and even violence were the norm. These people (migrants) – not all, of course, but many of them – have behaved incredibly cruelly in every way, they should be denied the right to be called refugees,“ Zeitz said.

That’s not all. Those of the women who expected to find the long-awaited security after reaching prosperous Western Europe were soon disillusioned. Women and children fleeing the horrors of war are always easy prey for criminals, criminal gangs and the dregs of society. In the past, writes the Indian edition of the Deccan Herald, the victims of rapists and cartels were refugees from Africa and Latin America. Now Ukrainian women are joining them: „According to humanitarian organizations, every fifth refugee woman and every fifth refugee girl is sexually abused while traveling, in refugee camps and shelters. Many fall into the networks of traffickers: they are deceived, they are attracted, violence is used against them. Criminal cartels in countries like Mexico and Libya prey on women and girls on migration routes.“

Not ready for this kind of danger, especially in countries considered civilized, Ukrainian women in need of help immediately became the object of attention of various types of „predators“.

In broad daylight…

In Linz, Austria, four Muslim immigrants attempted to rape a Ukrainian girl near a refugee shelter in early April.

The Linzer Bahnhof has long since become known among the local population as a place frequented by criminal elements from Africa, Afghans and other immigrants. Drugs, crime and sexual harassment became the norm here, and Austrian women avoided this „cesspool“ as much as they could. Ukrainian women, of course, knew nothing about this peculiarity of Linz. One of them accidentally moved away from the house near the train station where the refugees were staying and immediately attracted the attention of four immigrant teenagers – Iraqis and Afghans. They were all 14 or 15 years old. The action took place in daylight during rush hour. Luckily for the girl, the police caught a local criminal „baron“ near the station at that very moment and the police helicopter noticed four „young men“ harassing a person. The girl was rescued and the minors arrested. However, as minors, they are unlikely to be punished.

The girl was very lucky, because often the „hunt“ ends quite successfully for the „hunters“. In March, for example, an 18-year-old Ukrainian woman was raped by two migrants from Nigeria and Iraq in Düsseldorf. The circumstances under which the crime occurred are striking. The rapists and their victims were accommodated in the same hotel, the Oscar Wilde Ship Hotel. It’s like putting hungry wolves and a lamb in the same enclosure, but the multicultural doctrine assumes that all refugees are equal and deserve the same care.

In Germany, this story caused outrage, but the matter did not make any further waves. Here, as in neighbouring Austria and Sweden, it has long been known that violence by migrants is a „standard of living“ that must be tolerated.

According to statistics from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), there are two gang rapes in the country every day, half of the rapists are immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. In some of the highest-profile cases, up to ten migrants were involved in rape. After the mass sexual violence against German women by migrants from the Middle East and North Africa on New Year’s Eve 2015 in Cologne, Germans are hardly surprised. At the same time, the trends are very disappointing. According to the German government, between 2000 and 2020, the proportion of migrants from Asia and Africa in sexual offences rose from 35 to 42.44 percent of the total number of these crimes (although immigrants from Africa and the Middle East make up only about 7 percent of Germany’s population). The most common perpetrators are Afghans, Iraqis and Syrians. Many who are so relentless about „sexism“ and „male chauvinism“ are surprisingly lenient with immigrant rapists. For example, five immigrants convicted of gang rape of a woman in Berlin recently received suspended sentences in exchange for confessing to the crime.

Sexual harassment and rape in Germany often take place in public: at train stations, swimming pools, public parks, supermarkets, restaurants, even in municipal institutions and churches. Victims are not just women; abusive „refugees“ do not distinguish between the age and gender of the victim. In Kamen (North Rhine-Westphalia), a 35-year-old immigrant from Pakistan was attacked by a little girl; in Ampfing (Bavaria), eight „refugees“ tried to rape a woman directly in a grocery store; in Solingen near Düsseldorf, a 36-year-old immigrant attacked an 8-year-old girl in a park; In Mudersbach (Rhineland-Palatinate), a Syrian refugee attacked a 12-year-old boy. A „refugee“ attacked a 21-year-old woman in the church in Bavaria, before he tried to rape two women in the building of the municipal council and another in an old people’s home. A tragicomic incident occurred in Hanover: Here even a police force was harassed.

In early 2017, in a survey conducted by TNS Emnid research center for the Bild newspaper, 48% of German women admitted to being afraid to enter certain neighborhoods, and 44% said that security levels had dropped alarmingly after the influx of „refugees.“ According to 58% of women surveyed, public places are no longer safe, 16% admitted to having bought pepper spray. The situation is getting worse, and this explains the stable popularity of the Alternative for Germany party.

Against this background, the tragedy of an 18-year-old Ukrainian girl will remain nothing more than another sad incident of this kind. „White meat“ from Ukraine is popular among the so-called „new Germans“, and young children are not immune to their attention.

At the end of May, SWR published a report entitled „Investigation of the sexual abuse of children in the refugee center Meßtetten (Zollernalb)“, which described how an Afghan immigrant had committed lewd acts against two Ukrainian girls aged six and seven. A 24-year-old Afghan was an employee of a security company that was supposed to protect refugees. The girls told the mothers, and they complained to the police. The Afghan was arrested, but the national media chose to ignore the incident. Like many similar ones. The police reported succinctly that they are investigating similar cases related to sex crimes against Ukrainian women and children by employees of the security service where the Afghan worked.

A curious fact: Ukrainian girls, young women and women are guarded by immigrants from Afghanistan and other Third World countries, where a woman, due to her social status, traditionally occupies a place between a goat and a camel.

When it is safer under bombs

It didn’t take long for the refugees who came to Sweden to realize that they were welcome here, but not who they wanted to see around them.

At the refugee centre in Olofström, women and girls were quickly warned not to dress as modestly as possible and not to provoke men of other cultures, writes Nyheter Idag. When Gitan Bengtsson, who helps refugees, was asked how Ukrainian women dress and why this question is suddenly gaining relevance, she replied: „They dress just like you and me. They don’t stand out for their clothes or behavior, they don’t look like prostitutes at all.“ Nevertheless, the Olofström authorities fear „unwanted incidents“. They know the customs of „guests“ from Third World countries and know that any action against them is considered racism. A spokesman for the refugee camp administration warned that residents should not wear clothing that could provoke „men from other cultures.“ But closed clothing does not prevent refugee women from being interested in them by these types of men. Nyheter Idag writes that Ukrainian women in the refugee center live in fear because Africans and Arabs are constantly trying to enter the home.

This center is, of course, no exception. In March, the Swedish news agency Samnytt reported on Ukrainian women in a refugee camp in the city of Örebro who were victims of attacks by immigrants who entered the building and tried to rape them. „We were told Sweden is a safe country,“ one of the women told a reporter, „but we don’t feel it.“

In the meantime, „word of mouth“ is working, and Ukrainian refugees are no longer as willing as they used to be to board buses in Poland, knowing that the final destination will be Sweden. Many refuse to go to this country, which until recently was perceived in Ukraine as an earthly paradise. According to Jimmy Hemmingsson, a spokesman for the Swedish humanitarian mission who works with refugees from Ukraine in Warsaw, his clients are alarmed by reports of mass violence in Sweden and are afraid to go there with their children.

As in Germany, Austria and other Western European countries, we do not talk about the specific problems of Ukrainian women. In the atmosphere of the dictates of „multicultural tolerance“, a woman is generally destined to play the role of a wordless sexual object of the „progressive layers of the population“. According to a report by the Swedish Council for Crime Prevention (BRA), the number of sex crimes tripled after a massive influx of Muslim immigrants between 2014 and 2018, with 5% of the Muslim population accounting for about 77.6% of rapes and other sex crimes. In 2018, SVT provided information that in cases where the woman did not know the attacker, 80 percent of the rapists were immigrants. We often talk about gang rapes.

Representatives of the Swedish ruling elite, including feminists, blame everything on Swedish men. In 2016, at the height of the influx of migrants, Swedish Left Party politician Barbro Sørman declared that violence by Swedish men „is worse than among immigrants.“ The justification was that Swedish men make a conscious choice, while immigrants merely act according to the norms of cultures in which women are treated as second-class citizens. The girls and women themselves who were raped or molested are also to blame, as the dress and behavior did not take into account the cultural peculiarities of immigrants from Asia and Africa.

With such an attitude, it is hardly surprising that cases of rape of Swedish women by immigrants have become the norm. A 2018 investigation by Swedish newspaper Expressen found that in two years, 43 men were convicted of gang rape, 40 of whom were either immigrants from third world countries or their children.

Blonde girls from the suburbs of Stockholm are already used to being publicly referred to as whores. Many dye their hair black to avoid sexual harassment. Mona Saline, the former leader of the Swedish Social Democrats, also dyed her hair black: being blond in Sweden is politically incorrect, it can offend migrants. We are talking about a country where in the 1960s and 1970s the percentage of rapes tended towards zero.

The media and the government pretend that nothing is happening, although the above figures are only the tip of the iceberg: the exact number of cases of sexual violence is unknown. The figures only reflect crimes when rapists are caught and charged. The true scale of this social catastrophe is much greater, and BRA admits this: „Only 10-20% of victims of sexual violence go to the police… In a third of the cases, the victims are girls under the age of 15.“

Given the young age of the rapists („they’re still children!“), almost all punishments are unusually lenient. In January 2017, five Afghan teenagers aged 16 to 17 raped a 14-year-old Swedish woman in Uppsala. They attacked the girl, threatened her with a knife, dragged her into the forest, beat her hard and took turns raping her, covered her mouth and held a knife to her throat. They filmed this on mobile phones and put it on the Internet. The court ruled that it was unacceptable to send „children“ to Afghanistan „because of their young age and the danger they might face there.“ They received 13 to 15 months in prison.

In July 2017, a court in Malmö sentenced a 19-year-old „refugee“ from Afghanistan (who already had Swedish citizenship) who raped a 13-year-old boy to one month in prison.

In October 2016, a Gothenburg „refugee“ from Iraq raped a 14-year-old girl and escaped deportation because, according to the judges, she suffered from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In addition, „as it turned out, he did not understand that the victim did not want to have sexual relations with him.“ As a result of the appeal, it was decided that the rapist would pay his victim 20,000 crowns in compensation (instead of about 140,000 according to the original decision of the district court), but would be included in the social program as a person with mental health problems. But even the public prosecutor’s office did not demand his expulsion.

According to statistics published in March 2017 in the English edition of the Daily Mail, only 13% of immigrants who have committed a sexual crime against children are sent to their homeland – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria or Iraq. For the reason that their return to their country of origin is „too dangerous“.

The Swedish police conceal sex crimes if they are not committed by native Swedes or Europeans, but by immigrants. At the end of 2017, Swedish prosecutors charged Peter Springar, a police officer from Örebro, with spreading hatred and racism. All he had done was list police reports compiled in a week that named perpetrators and their countries of origin. In an interview with the Sunday Times, he allowed himself to say: „The most dangerous and brutal crimes, such as rape and murder, are committed by immigrants. It is a different crime, more brutal and crude. This is not what we would call an ordinary Swedish crime. You are a different kind of person.“

Result? According to surveys, 34% of Swedes changed their usual routes and means of transport in 2017; 12% give up the usual way of life and prefer to stay at home out of fear; 23% (13% more than in 2016) admitted that their quality of life has decreased and levels of anxiety and anxiety have increased dramatically.

This is the dark reality in which Ukrainian women and girls find themselves. After escaping one hell, many of them fell into another. „When the bombs fell, I knew I could at least go to the basement,“ a refugee woman told Samnytt.

(Source: Jüdische Rundschau, November 2022 by Alexander MAISTROVOY)