(not just old Masonic knowledge)
Winston Churchill in 1936:
„We will force war on Hitler, whether he likes it or not.“
(Source: Das Neue Reich No. 15, 11.4.1959 p. 4 H. Grimm and quoted in the book Wahrheit für Deutschland by Udo Walendy)
In June 1939, Marshal Rydz-Smigly told Polish officers:
„Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it, even if she wanted to.“
(Source: quoted in: Heinz Splittgerber: Ignorance or Infamy? – Representations and Facts on the Outbreak of War 1939. Recklinghausen 1996. p. 7 and quoted in the book Truth for Germany by Udo Walendy)
US General Robert E. Wood told a Senate committee that W. Churchill had told him in November 1936:
„Germany is becoming too strong, we must destroy it.“
(Source: J. F. C. Fuller „Decisive Battles of the Western World“ page 306 and E. Hughes, Winston Churchill – his career War and Peace“ p. 145 and „Hearings on Lerid and Lease“ Febr. 1941 page 275 quoted in the book Truth for Germany by Udo Walendy)
A high-ranking Polish General Staff officer, H. Baginski, defined in a letter published by the, Polish Commission for International Intellectual Cooperation“, published in Warsaw in 1927, the main objectives of Polish foreign policy: annexation of Danzig, East Prussia and most of Silesia:
„Until there will be peace in Europe until the Polish lands are completely returned to Poland, as long as the name Prussia, which is the name of a people that no longer exists, will be erased from the map of Europe and as long as the Germans do not move their capital from Berlin further west, to the former capital Magdeburg on the Elbe or Merseburg on the Saale, as long as they do not return to the old name of the German Reich and as long as they do not cease to dream of the correction of the borders in the East.“
(Source: Chr. Höltje, The Weimar Republic and the Ostlocarno Problem 1919-1934 – pp. 137 and 141.
„We turned Hitler into a monster, a devil. That’s why we couldn’t move away from it after the war. After all, we had mobilized the masses against the devil personally. So, after the war, we were forced to play along in this devilish scenario. It would have been impossible for us to make it clear to our people that the war was only an economic preventive measure.“
U.S. Secretary of State James Baker III in „Der Spiegel“, issue 13 of 1992 quoted in the book: Das DeutschlandProtokoll by Ralf Uwe Hill)
„I will crush Germany.“
(Source: Frank Roosevelt, 1932 from: „Against arbitrariness and intoxication of power“, p. 241 and quoted in the book Das DeutschlandProtokoll by Ralf Uwe Hill)
Albert Pike died 1891 in Washington D.C. was a high-grade Freemason who commented on 3 world wars, among other things. The letter was written on 15.8.1871 and predicts with incredible precision that the First World War will crush the power of the tsars in Russia in order to turn this country into a fortress of atheistic communism. The Second World War arose from the differences between fascists and political Zionists.
According to the British press, the letter also predicts the creation of Israel: according to it, World War II must be fought to destroy fascism and make political Zionism strong enough to establish a sovereign Israeli state in Palestine.
The letter further prophesies that there will be a third world war, which will lead to the struggle between Zionists and Muslims.
(End of short summary)
However, due to the current world situation, I rather assume that someone secretly rewrote the script slightly and that the Zionists and the Christian peoples will be incited against each other in order to promote the Muslim misconception in Europe and the Arab states, which would humiliate the Jews and But Christians might not like it.
(The Christians are sometimes taken into clan custody for the crimes of the National Socialists by the Jews and feel humiliated).
However, there are also Freemasons who want world socialism and worldwide atheism. Personally, I would prefer a socialist-atheist Europe to Islamism in Europe. With a bit of luck we will also get an overall socialist-atheist world, since Islamism is not popular anywhere.
The League of Nations decided in July 1922 that the State of Israel should be founded. This happened because of the Zionists who lived in Europe at that time, such as Theodor Herzel, who died in Edlach (Austria) in 1904. Mr. Herzel took part in the Zionist congresses in Basel and called for the re-establishment of the State of Israel.
However, the British, who at that time owned Mandatory Palestine, which was much larger than Palestine, had a strong eye on the welfare of the Muslim Palestinians and wanted to curb Jewish resettlement. Only a small contingent of Jews per year was to be allowed to resettle on the old Jewish ancestral land.
The British found it apparently normal for the Muslims to expel or kill the Jews from the Land of Israel in the 7th century. According to the Bertelsmann Media Group, 2 million Jews lived in Israel in 1000 BC and 4.5 million around the year 1 AD. According to this, about 9 million Jews must have lived there around the year 1000 AD. So the Muslims expelled and or killed almost 9 million Jews in the 7th and 8th centuries and the British thought this was so good that they said resettlement of the rightful owners only very, very slowly at a snail’s pace.
The Jewish Agency has written that in 1905 there were only 5,200 Jews living in Israel and most of the Jews at that time lived in Europe, the USA and a few in Arab states, where they were treated as second-class citizens who had to pay special taxes and were deprived of certain civil rights, for example they were not allowed to carry weapons as civilians. because this was good manners for Muslims.
The Germans did not want a world war. A war between 2 states, such as Germany and Poland, is normal and does not have to lead to a world war. The Germans did not invade Poland out of boredom, but the Poles, in the state of Poland, which was only newly created after the First World War, had deprived the German people of the right of inheritance, if they owned land, prohibited the printing of German-language newspapers and prohibited the speaking of the German language on public roads. The German people were treated much worse than the Poles in the newly Polish state, which contradicted the Versailles Peace Treaty. From January 1939, German people were arrested from the streets for no reason and 70,000 Germans fled from Poland to German territory.
The „Manchester Guardian“ reported from Poland on 14.12.1931:
„The minorities in Poland should disappear. It is Polish politics that ensures that they do not just disappear on paper. This policy is being pursued ruthlessly and without the slightest regard for world public opinion, international treaties or the League of Nations. Ukraine has become hell under Polish rule. The same can be said of Belarus with even greater justification. The aim of Polish policy is the disappearance of national minorities, on paper and in reality.“
The same British weekly a year earlier, on 17.10.1930:
„Polish terror in Ukraine today is worse than anything else in Europe. Ukraine has become a country of despair and destruction, which is all the more provocative because the rights of Ukrainians are guaranteed under international law, while the League of Nations is deaf to all appeals and statements and the rest of the world knows nothing about it or does not care.“ (End of quote, source „Truth for Germany – The Question of Guilt of the Second World War“ by Udo Walendy)
Mr. Hitler imagined that he had to represent the interests of his German compatriots in Poland and therefore sent German soldiers to Poland. Unfortunately, Mr. Hitler was not as intelligent as the Americans, who called their troops an expeditionary army, but the German army was called the Wehrmacht, which of course sounds more like war than peaceful excursion.
After the occupation of Warsaw, the German leadership tried for a year and a half to organize peace negotiations with Great Britain and the Commonwealth states by allowing foreign persons, including the Pope, to act as mediators with the British. The crowning glory was the flight of German Foreign Minister Rudolf Hess in May 1941.The offers Hitler made were quite negotiable and would have been acceptable to both the Poles and the British.
Unfortunately, however, the British did not want peace.
According to the official Holocaust literature, the first mass killings of Jews in the concentration camps did not take place until November 1941, which could have been avoided if the British had been a little more German-friendly.
It is also clear from the papers of the Wannsee Conference that the Germans disembarked 537,000 Jews to Palestine by 31.10.1941 and the Germans complain in the papers that the British increased the landing fees for the ships from week to week. In the papers of the Wannsee Conference, one page contains the word Final Solution and emigration to Palestine and that they wanted to direct the flow of emigration.
The Germans admit that the wealthier Jews had to sell their possessions in Germany in order to use the money to pay for the passage fees for poorer Jews.
The story then continues with the American files on the I.G. Farben trial, in which the word Zyklon B german and does not appear in English.
However, the Americans mention in their files that they conducted the trial only because the Communist Soviets claimed the words Zyklon B for the eastern concentration camps. In the Western concentration camps, there were only so-called disinfestation gas chambers to remove lice from clothing, and Zyklon B may have been used, which was also offered as a means of killing vermin. In their files on the IG Farben trial, however, the Americans report gas experiments and mass killings, e.g. of 250 people or 80 Jews using lost, mustard and poison gas.
The Americans, apparently from the very beginning, not only did not believe the Zyklon B stories, but also did not believe the Katyn historiography, but already in the early 1950s, in cooperation with the International Red Cross, found out that the Soviets told a lie before the IMT in Nuremberg. The Soviets had claimed that the German Wehrmacht had killed about 8,000 Polish officers and nobles in Katyn and probably also wrongly found several Germans guilty and killed them at a show trial in Leningrad.
In truth, however, Stalin’s NKVD and Soviet soldiers were the perpetrators.
Mountains of corpses in the concentration camps:
From 1943, 1944 and 1945, the Allied bombers systematically destroyed the infrastructure in the German Reich. Roads, bridges, railroad tracks, airports, factories and civil dwellings. As a result, food supplies became scarce even for the German civilian population outside the concentration camps, and the german civilian population also starved or, in some cases, starved to death.
The people in the concentration camps could not possibly have been better off during the war than the Germans in freedom.Where were the food transports supposed to come from?
Unfortunately, however, the so-called Cold War occurred immediately after the Second World War and the communists in the eastern zone, shouting that everything west of the GDR would be fascist if they were zero communists. The Eastern Communists brought their own war propaganda and the West resisted.
The Jews in Israel could choose whether to believe the Soviet atrocity propaganda or whether they believed the Western opinions and points of view. In any case, the Western biographies of Churchill and Roosevelt do not contain any stories about Zyklon B gas killings in the concentration camps.
House of the Wannsee-Conference with original documents in german
(You can in Mozilla firefox used the addon „S3“ to translate the text )