Nuremberg trial after 2nd World War

London Statute

Statute for the International Military Tribunal of 8 August 1945

  1. Constitution of the International Military Tribunal

    Article 6

    c) Crimes against humanity: namely: murder, extermination, enslavement, Deportation or other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population before or during the war, persecution for political, racial reasons or religious reasons, committed in the execution of a crime or in Connection with a crime for which the Court has jurisdiction, namely:
    regardless of whether the act was contrary to the law of the country in which it was committed, or not. leaders, organizers, instigators and participants, who participate in the drafting or execution of a common plan or conspiracy have participated in the commission of one of the aforementioned crimes, are responsible for all actions performed by any person of such a plan.
    (End of quote)

One can see from the list of crimes:
murder, extermination, enslavement and deportation that extermination can have nothing to do with killing (murder).

The Wannsee Protocols certainly allow the interpretation that extermination could rather be resettlement (expulsion).
By extermination is the stem termination.

There are also the words

moulder / decompose (DE: verrotten) in German:
A tree that has fallen in the forest and in the natural biotope now moulder/decompose and again into humus will.

meeting (DE: zusammenrotten):
illegal meeting of demonstrators to an unauthorized demonstration

Teamleader (DE: Rottenführer):  company commander

DE: Rotte:   Wild boar Team

The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg

The main war criminals were convicted at the international military tribunal in Nuremberg.
However, there was one special feature: the Allies‘ allegations of guilt did not have to be proven.

1. If e.g. For example, the communist Soviets claimed in court that 4 million people died in the Auschwitz concentration camp then they didn’t have to prove it factually in any way. This Soviet claim is in Volume 39 of the IMT files.

Today 70 years later and after the end of the „Cold War“ is the official number of victims of Auschwitz, according to the Polish Auschwitz Museum with 1 to 1.5 million dead and you can also borrow books about the Auschwitz concentration camp in Germany in which the total number of victims is given as a maximum of 711,000 (by the jew Jean Claude Pressac – „The crematoria of Auschwitz – Technique of Mass Murder“ ) – is available in good libraries. 

2. Before the IMT in Nuremberg it was stated in Vol. 01 on page 47 that there were 1.5 million people in the Maijdanek concentration camp including Jews were killed.

Wikipedia now gives the total number of victims as 80,000 including 60,000 Jews. Apparently, the total Number of victims increased by a factor of 19. 


on top a picture from wikipedia over concentration camp Majdanek

3. The communist soviets also testified before the same court that the National Socialists had shot about 8,000 Polish officers in Katyn (in Poland).

As early as the 1950s, the Americans, in cooperation with the International Red Cross, determined that this not the National Socialists, but Stalin’s NKVD were the perpetrators, which wikipedia also sees.


4. The „Zyklon-B“ accusation also came from the communist Soviet side and does not match the statements from the IG paint process.

If the communist Soviets uttered demonstrably 3 lies (Maijdanek number, number of victims of Auschwitz and Katyn) in court the question has to be be allowed, whether the „cyclon-B“ historiography, which does not fit the IG Farben trial, is also a lie?

Picture of top from website   there are also files over the IG farben trials.
In that picture you can find the accusation that the Germans killed many thousands of people. However, the emphasis is on thousands, not millions.

When the Americans, British and French liberated concentration camps there was zero cyclon B for killing people and when the Soviets liberated a concentration camp then there was Zyklon B too. Does the murder weapon depend on the liberator? The Germans were already building cars with rear silencers back then and could certainly have built a machine gun with a silencer to kill people silently in a short time at low cost. Why transport the people from France and the Netherlands in the train through half of Europe in such a cumbersome way? Surely the accusation of industrial killing only came from the Soviet side? The papers of the Wannsee Conference can also be interpreted favorably that the Germans were trying to resettle the Jews in the direction of Palestine. If the Germans had aimed to kill all Jews in Europe, I would assume that they would have succeeded and there would have been zero Holocaust survivors of all ages.