What is a world war ???
Dear readers,Surely
you know the historiography of the Second World War.Surely you also know when the Second World War began. Great.But is their supposedly correct knowledge also true?
No, unfortunately not.
Unfortunately, they memorized a lot of false „knowledge“ in history class at school because they wanted to get good grades.
The Second World War did not even start on September 1, 1939. On September 1, only the german Polish War began and a war between two states is not Weltkrieg.
At September 3, France, Great Britain, Australia, India and New Zealand declared war on the „German Reich“, so we had a seven-state war. Is that already a world war?
If you take the definition of „world war“ from wikipedia, where does it say a world war takes place when wars extend over several continents, then the continents of Australia and the continent of Asia, i.e. India on September 3, 1939, come into the race and they have declared war on the German Reich and not the other way around. The South African Union declared war on the German Reich on September 6, 1939 and Canada followed on September 10, 1939.Now we had a „Nine States War“ including the representatives of the state of Africa and the continent of America, in this case Canada.
From this point of view, Great Britain with its Commonwealth states should have triggered the Second World War, but not the German Reich.In the legal texts of the Federal Republic of Germany do not state that Germany is solely to blame for the war. This would be incompatible with the laws on freedom of expression anyway. Seven states had thus already declared war on the „German Reich“ by September 11, 1939, without the German Reich attacking those states.
… and after the soldiers of the German Reich had completely occupied Poland in October 1939, from that point on the German government again sought peace and peace negotiations with the Commonwealth states, especially with Great Britain. The peace efforts went through the Swedish royal family and the Pope and many other people. The British, however, did not want peace. Since Hitler’s government could not see this and saw no point in expanding the war, Rudolf Hess flew to Great Britain in May 1941, where he was arrested by British soldiers.